
Here is Ed and Eleanor reminiscing about childhood and also their courtship:

This is Eleanor offering advice during Chris & Michelle's wedding reception:

This is Chris reminiscing about his mom:

3 thoughts on “Videos

  1. Chris Post author

    Here is something I sent to my parents years ago. It was inspired by an email from Isobel McGregor.

    10 reasons why I’m glad you are my parents:

    1. You imparted to me a reliable moral compass
    2. You made me aware of the importance of friends
    3. You did fun things with me as a kid (times at the beach, camping, trips to PEI, etc.)
    4. You are a very creative mom (cards, birdseed pit in the garage, etc.) and dad (train set layout, stained glass, banners, etc.)
    5. You are good at celebrations mom (birthdays, Easter, Christmas, back-to-school parties, baptism, etc)
    6. You are good at keeping people connected, mom
    7. You are very knowledgeable, dad
    8. You are very dedicated to each other (your marriage is a testament to this!)
    9. You have lovingly accepted Michelle and her family
    10. You have an amazing ability to collect the most wonderful friends

  2. Isobel MGregor

    Wonderful to have this reminder of Eleanor in Ed in all their hilarious glory. “Laughter does good like medicine” (Prov 17:22,IMM) and El used that extra tool in her medical kit on many occasions, sermons included, even when her own heart was heavy.

  3. Rob Campbell

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful video with the world. Together Ed and El were better than most comedy teams that come to mind. It is wonderful story telling at its best and a big reason she will be so missed. El had a love of life and would ask after our children and all their children by name when we would meet. She was a great encourager of all she met and her friendship will be missed. Love to Ed and all the family.
    Rob and Rhoda Campbell


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